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Who Are We?

We are the kind of people who will talk about plants and landscape aesthetics until you ask us to leave. It’s what we love to do and it shows. We are fine gardeners, horticulturalist, landscapers, and artists who truly love spending the day with our hands in the dirt. 

How we chose our name? 

Poison Ivy Chronicles (Establishing Peace in the Garden) describes the Yin and Yang of a healthy garden. In life, both the dark and the light are essential for survival. A garden is no different.

Gardening from a distance often looks relaxing and for many of it is. But for some, the challenges of weeds, sunburn, and bugs are overwhelming and dreadful. 

Poison ivy is a native perennial found throughout the United States. The oils in its leaves can cause a severe allergic rash to those who come in contact with it.  It is common to find it creeping into gardens, inconspicuously hiding between plants of bountiful blooms. On the contrary, poison ivy produces a berry that is an excellent food source for birds and its tender leaves are sought after by browsing deer? 

While we don’t suggest keeping poison ivy, or any weed, it is the role of the gardener to create a balance between the good and the bad that inevitably make up every landscape. 

Kelly White Owner

Kimberly (Owner, designer, & laborer)

Growing up on a farm in Northeast Pennsylvania, Kimberly learned the value of hard work and perseverance. A graduate of Wilkes University, she went on to become an ISA Certified Arborist and Certified Nursery Landscape Professional. An avid hiker, photographer, and writer when she’s not working, she’s usually off-the-grid with her backpack and camera. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and stories through her blog posts and with customers and friends. 

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